First of all, I would like to extend my thanks to you for visiting our website.
I would say that the foundation of the Mongolian Human Resources Academy was the call of the times. It has already been 18 years since the transition to free economic relations which started in 1989 and 1990. Those companies that started business together with their family members or friends at that time have already grown up, while the others are beginning to walk.
During this period, they have become deeply aware that PEOPLE are both development OUTPUT and INPUT. THEY begin to realize that the best future SOLUTION for businesses is to COMPETE by whether they could build sustainable HUMAN RESOURCES systems or not rather than who has the best marketing and advertising. As a matter of fact, these needs and development trends have connected us with YOU.
I am extremely glad to see that WE are beginning to agree unanimously that the largest material losses for a business include the lack or loss of HUMAN RESOURCES in addition to the loss of technology or assets as well as financial losses.
I would cordially invite you to work together closely in the field of HUMAN RESOURCES, a wide-ranging, multi-sided professional sector.
Sincerely, Director
Enkhbold Bukhchuluun
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2009-10-19 07:07:12 |
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